A few weeks ago I did a post about growing your email list and I also spoke about the software that I use and that’s called MAILERLITE.

I thought Id show you a quick video about Mailerlite, although they do have a new look, but this is just an introduction to how it all works. 🥳

Here’s a few reasons why you should use an email software:

✔️  You can schedule emails in advance

✔️  You can send one off emails to LOTS of people at once

✔️  You can create an automated series of emails that can get sent at certain periods after each other

✔️  You can monitor how many people are being active with your content

✔️  You can send regular newsletters / videos etc

You might be thinking “well I can do that with gmail”.

Well actually you can’t …..

❌ You can’t track open rates in gmail 

❌ Many of your emails won’t get through the spam filters if you use a gmail/hotmail/yahoo type email address

❌ They don’t like it if you use their systems for bulk emails

❌ You can’t create beautiful designs etc

So there really is no reason why you shouldn’t get started on an email software program.

As I say I use Mailerlite because it’s easy and it’s free and does all the things I want it to, however there are plenty out there such as Mailchimp, Aweber, Kajabi and lots more.

Do your research and choose one that suits you 🙂

Hope you enjoy the video!!!

Lots of love
