This course follows a structured syllabus and is split into 7 easy to follow modules, each filled with key information and take-aways for you to leverage in improving and growing your business.

Module 1 – Client Avatar

One of the biggest mistakes I made when I first started my business was to try and market to everyone.  Ever seen those adverts that say “All ages and abilities”

 Just take a moment and think about running a marathon.  Now whether you’re a seasoned runner or not I’m sure you’ll agree there’s a lot you need to know about the training. 

Which person would you want on your side to help you get the best results and quicker: 

  1.   I’m a personal trainer who helps men and woman of all ages to lose weight, get fit and achieve any goal they desire


  1. I’m a personal trainer who helps people with no running experience go from couch potato to marathon distance in 20 weeks


Which personal trainer would you go with?  Well I know I’d be going with no 2!

The same goes with you and your classes or private clients.  You need to know who you want to work with and how you can help them best and module 1 is the answer to this!


Module 2 – Marketing Message

During this module we’ll decide on how you’re going to speak to your client so that they jump up to work with you.   Creating the right message will attract the perfect person into your business.


Module 3 – Your FREE Offering

Give them a taster!  Ever seen a trailer to a movie – SAME THING!  You’ll come up with an offering and we’ll show you how to incorporate this into your marketing.


Module 4 – Pricing & Packaging

Creating an income that’s consistent is key to creating a successful business.  How you charge clients for your services will either mean you’re going to be running around like a crazy person or creating balance and space in your life to do more of what you want.


Module 5 – Closing the Sale

If you don’t ask a person to join your services then they’re not going to.  How you offer your services is also an important step in getting your mats filled with people!


Module 6 – Different Kinds Of Marketing

Although I don’t use other methods of marketing, I will share some other ways to market and how to do them correctly should you wish to give it a go.  I certainly won’t say they don’t work. I know many others that have used different methods, but for me personally I have found that Facebook works best for me.


Module 7 – Mindset

Last but not least – and probably the most important is mindset.  You’ll be challenged to do things that you’re not familiar with and even have lots of self-doubt and fear cropping up.  This is absolutely normal.    No matter how successful you are in business there will always be some limiting beliefs that knock on your door and hold you back. 

This course is for purchase on Podia, where I host all my online courses for only £797.


Working on your mindset can help you to overcome these limiting beliefs and get you moving forward! 

Success Stories

"My coaching sessions with Tanja were pivotal in me moving forward in my new business when she was my coach a few years back. I had no idea how to get out there and promote myself which she was a wizard at helping me with. Even when I came up with mindset roadblocks as to why I couldn't do something or get something I wanted, she was brilliant at helping me see there were always different ways of doing things. She's professional, knowledgeable, trustworthy and really good fun to work with. I highly recommend her!"

Emma Gosling, Transformation Coach & Hypnotherapist

"I was experiencing a few teething issues with my business when I first started. My biggest problem was a major sense of imposter syndrome! Especially when there seemed to be a lot of other instructors out there who seemed really qualified and I was newly qualified and a bit daunted about starting up. Tanja was such a support to me. She spent time on a one to one basis talking me through why I was feeling this way and boosting my confidence. She really helped me get my mindset sorted that yes, there are others out there, but my business is unique and there would be plenty of clients out there for me too.

Working with Tanja has been such a delight. It's like having your own personal cheerleader who has your back every step of the way. It's hugely helpful to work with someone who is in the same industry and who totally gets your issues and challenges but also really knows her stuff. She is most definitely a marketing genius. I've put into action many of her tips and they have worked a dream.

I'm now so happy and confident with the way my business is running that I have decided to give up my employed role and focus solely on being self employed and helping my business thrive. Thank you Tanja for being such a huge support and giving me and my business the boost it needed."
Leanne Fennell, Pilates Teacher

"Before I started to work with Tanja, I had some clients but wasn't really making any money.  I didn't really have any clue of how to get a consistent flow of clients.  I was going around in circles and I felt so frustrated.  I was nervous about getting coaching, but I knew I needed help, I knew there was supposed to be more to running a business than just being able to pay my bills.  

It was the best thing I've ever done, after working with Tanja for just a few months I septupled my profit.  Tanja gave me support, direction, knowledge and a gentle push to get me out of the rut I was in and get me making more money!  I was finally able to take my family away for a holiday!

Working with Tanja was so easy.  She's very supportive and holds you accountable, so that you take the action that's needed, because to create something new in your business you need to take different action to what you're taking now!!

I'll always be grateful to Tanja for her help, it transformed my business and life!"

Louise Howard, Holistic and Mindset Coach

"Before I started to work with Tanja I had no clue how to run my business.  I didn't know how to get clients for my  1-2-1 training sessions and I felt lost with what to do.  I knew Tanja would be the best person to ask for help.  She was running her business successfully and it became clear to me that she had the right knowledge and experience that I was lacking.  Tanja made a marketing strategy plan for my business that helped generate consistent leads.

I tripled my income within a couple of weeks working withe her and learned how to stay in control of my finances.  Her monthly action plan helped me to stay focused and pushed me to work harder to achieve my financial goals.

Kasia Romanowicz, Personal Trainer 

Want to know my 7 Step R&R Formula to getting your Pilates & Yoga Classes FULLY BOOKED?


Join our FREE 7 part training series where I share my EXACT steps I’ve taken to grow my studio business to 6 figures under 3 years and still use to grow 2 other businesses!