How to create a free email

YOUR INTRODUCTION TO MAILERLITE A few weeks ago I did a post about growing your email list and I also spoke about the software that I use and that’s called MAILERLITE. I thought Id show you a quick video about Mailerlite, although they do have a new look, but this is...

What’s your secret sauce

What’s YOUR Secret Sauce??? When I teach my private mentoring clients about the “ideal client” it’s a new concept to them. Basically, an “ideal client” is the person they love to work with the most…. But There’s also the reason WHY people will love to come to you!...

Don’t let the tech stop you

Don’t let TECHPHOBIA stop you from GROWING YOUR BUSINESS! You either have it or you don’t! But it doesn’t mean you can’t learn about it! Working on computers seems to fill some people with absolute dread. . I know because Paul is one of them and can often be the...

Creating offers that sell

One of the biggest mistakes I USED to make was try and sell everything and anything to whoever would buy it and funny enough – very few people actually purchased anything. 👉  If you’ve been in my world for a while now I am sure you would have heard me talk...

There will always be someone else who charges less

There will always be someone who charges less…. DON’T BE THAT PERSON…. . Getting into a price war is a huge mistake and there are no winners …. . It undermines your education, your training, and the value you provide. . It undermines the whole...